Offline-first, privacy-focussed, open-source personal portalPortalific
Portalific is an OpenSource browser based portal, displaying your feeds, your calendars, and other information of personal relevance. It works (almost *) entirely browser-based, so your data is safe and secure. For cross-device synchronization you can optionally use a backend to synchronize the data continuously between devices.
Get Started
Hi, there are various settings you can configure. Most importantly it is about the number of columns () used for the portal and then the actual modules. Modules can be added and configured in the settings dialog on the top-right and then moved by drag and drop between those columns. If you like, you can, for example,. You can then configure the module in the settings dialog afterwards.
Right now there are not too many modules available, but in the end they are just React components, so feel free to add addionational ones:
A simple clock including a date, optionally including an analogue clock.
Show countdowns to (for you) important days.
Show appointments for the next seven days from a set of ICAL calendars.
Show new post from a set of RSS and Atom feeds.
Error Handling
Since all data is fetched locally in your browser Portalific will also show you errors directly in this screen. If a feed or calendar can't be retrieved or something similar happens an error notification will be show on the top right. to see how this would look like.
All data is, by default, stored only in your browser, in Local Storage.
Browsers don't allow to request data from foreign domains, though, unless some very specific headers are set. This is why requesting feeds or calendar data has to go through a server-side proxy. This proxy, in theory, would allow to log all your calendar and feed contents. The used implementation does not log anything like this, and can be found in the code repository. If you want to be super safe, you should host Portalific yourself and deploy your own allow-proxy.
Optionally we allow for cross-device synchronozation of your Portalific configuration. This will require your configuration to be stored on a server. You must explicitly enable this, since it is not enabled by default. Your configuration will be stored encrypted even then, so nobody will be able to spy on your configuration.